Home » Nuzulul Quran

Nuzulul Quran

by Administrator Esensi
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Keutamaan Malam Nuzulul Qur’an

Al-Qur’an adalah kitab suci bagi umat islam yang merupakan pedoman hidup serta dasar bagi kehidupan umat muslim. Ayat-ayat Al-Qur’an diturunkan secara berangsur-angsur dalam kurun waktu 22 tahun, 2 bulan, 22 hari.

Peristiwa turunnya Al-Qur’an kepada Nabi Muhammad SAW disebut Nuzulul Qur’an. Nuzul artinya menurunkan sesuatu dari tempat yang tinggi ke tempat yang rendah. Al-Qur’an berarti kitab suci umat Islam. Sehingga, Nuzulul Qur’an artinya peristiwa turunnya Al-Qur’an dari tempat yang tinggi ke muka bumi.

Turunnya Al-Qur’an menjadi awal dari perjuangan menyebarkan agama Islam di jazirah Arab. Turunnya Al-Qur’an pertama kali di Gua Hira pada tanggal 17 Ramadan. Sehingga, umumnya Nuzulul Qur’an diperingati pada malam ke-17 Ramadan.

Disebutkan bahwa malam Nuzulul Qur’an merupakan malam yang lebih baik dari seribu bulan jika beramal. Orang yang menghidupkan malam Nuzulul Qur’an akan diampuni segala dosanya oleh Allah sWT.

Melalui tulisannya, Gus Nas menyampaikan rasa syukur dan kekagumannya pada Al-Qur’an dan malam Nuzulul Qur’an.

Profil Penulis Gus Nas

M. Nasruddin Anshoriy atau biasa disebut Gus Nas Jogja  adalah seorang budayawan yang juga Pimpinan Pondok Pesantren Ilmu Giri Yogyakarta. Selain kiyai dia juga seorang penulis dan pelukis.

Gus Nas banyak dikenal oleh tokoh-tokoh nasional di negeri ini. Tidak hanya artis, politisi, pengusaha, maupun seniman mengenalinya. Dia banyak mengoleksi lukisan-lukisan langka dari para maestro. 

Gus Nas telah menorehkan banyak sekali karya-karya yang menarik dalam bait-bait puisi. Beberapa diantaranya seperti Tong Kosong Reformasi, Semesta Bertakbir, Air Mata Sudan, dan beberapa karya lainnya.

Presiden Ke-4 Republik Indonesia, Gus Dur bahkan memujinya dan berkata bahwa ia adalah seorang multi talenta. Hal ini dikarenakan bakat alami yang dimilikinya.

Berikut adalah tulisan indah atas kagumnya Gus Nas dengan malam Nuzulul Qur’an.

Nuzulul Quran

Heaven is 6666 verses of truth
Words of love with wings born from the womb of _Nur Muhammad_
Garba cave of the Holy Word that hatches 114 love letters from the Gift of the Universe, 30 Juz of beauty that never closes its eyes, never sleeps even when drowsiness embraces the whole earth in words
Heaven is the _”Madah Ilahi”_ revealed to the Prophet and guarded by reciting millions of angels throughout the day and night by those chosen as His beloved ones.
Heaven was created through the Holy Book, a guide for every soul that is righteous, the _”muttaqin”_ who live their faith with every breath, whose eyes of piety believe in the mystery of the unseen.
Tonight, on the 17th of Ramadan, I express true love in _Jabal Nur_, a pile of stones with a roof of a Thousand Moons in the kingdom of Gua Hira, witnessing a cluster of shining lights piercing the heart of Muhammad, the Prophet.
After Prophet Moses received the Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai
Then conveyed the Book of Torah to the Children of Israel
After Prophet David was entrusted with the Psalms
The Book of Beauty that shook the souls of his people
After Prophet Jesus carried the Gospel
Then sharing His love and kindness with the shepherds
The pinnacle is the Noble Qur’an which unites the Divine Word and perfects it as guidance and distinction.
After the period of ignorance
Recitation emerged
After darkness
Enlightenment emerged
The universe proclaims its greatness
The universe remembers Allah
Silence shapes my mind and thoughts.
The voice of Gabriel penetrates my mind
I read perfectly 6666 poems that captivate the conscience in the depths of human hearts
I read 114 chapters from heaven that float peacefully and fall in the courtyard of the earth, making gems melt to express His love, making emeralds and rubies promise, welcoming the presence of the Divine Word with affection.
With mentioning the Almighty, I spread my _”bayani”_ wings high into the sky, then peel off the layers of the sky with the _”burhani”_ knife, leaving only the essence of _”irfani”_ in the atoms of the Divine verses.
My heart melts in the Great Light
Light above the Light
Light in the Realm of Light
Seed and fruit
Sperm and egg
Rooted in Love
Flowing in Poetry
Roots and trees
Remembrance and longing
Melting the skin and contents
Mixing with flesh and blood
30 Juz of beauty
30 Juz of truth
30 Juz of perfection
I greet heaven
Blessings to the Prophet
I kiss Your hand
Recorded with eternal ink in _”Lauhul Mahfudz”_
My universal destiny fingerprints
I accept this intimacy dowry
Qur’an that descends to the earth
Right on the Holy Month
Gus Nas Jogja, 17 Ramadan 1444 Hijrah
Editor: Nabila Tias Novrianda/Raja H. Napitupulu
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